Friday, January 23, 2009

Goodbye Global Gag Rule

On Day 3 President Obama has reversed the "Mexico City policy" (a/k/a the Global Gag Rule) which states that federal money cannot be given to international organizations that promote/perform abortions. Honestly, I'm surprised that he waited so long, especially with yesterday being the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the court case that legalized abortion. Obama clearly stated during his campaign that he was pro-choice; yet most Christians seem to have reacted with surprise and rage. The ban has been reversed and brought back repeatedly since it's inception during the Reagan administration. Republicans reinstate the ban; Democrats reverse it. It's like the ebb and flow of the tide....and just as predictable.

In fact, it seems that so far all President Obama has done is reverse orders from the Bush administration. He hasn't seemed to have tackled any of his own projects. Or maybe those were lost in the shuffle of all of his controversial reversals.

Though I haven't agreed with most of his moves so far, I have to admire his gusto for his new job. Even though I will say that so far the "change" we were promised is just a change back to a prior state (no Guintanimo, funding for pro-abortion agencies, etc). I still hope he will bring about new change; our country really needs a solid president right now.

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