Sunday, January 11, 2009

pondering Lent

It's hard to believe that Ash Wednesday is next month, which means the super-awesome vacation the hubby and I have planned out for the past year falls smack in the middle of Lent. My husband and I are they quirky little Southern Baptists that attend a United Methodist church and participate in Lent every year. But what can I give up when I go on my first over-seas trip of my life? My first thought was caffeine, but I'll need that for the 23+ hour flight. Next I thought I would give up my "reading habit" again this year, but I already have my copy of Anna Karena ready for the flight. Then today I thought maybe I could give up sweets, but we had planned on hitting up several confectioneries to sample foreign sweets.

But does Lent necessarily have to be about taking something away? More often than not, people give up something for Lent, but don't replace it with anything else: prayer, deeper Bible study, etc. I try to keep Lent fresh and real and keep it from becoming an empty ritual. This is a little bit easier since its not "required" for me as a Baptist. However, maybe it was just a little empty last year. Sure, I follow through with what I give up, but I don't necessarily focus on Christ and His work instead. It's just a minor blip on my radar, when the whole point of fasting at Lent is to re-focus the heart inward towards the spiritual realm.

Maybe its time for me to actually fast. I usually make sad little excuses for not fasting...I tend to be abominably cranky with lack of food, so I always say its better for me to not fast than to go without food and make life miserable for those around me (which is usually my husband). But if it wasn't hard, I suppose fasting wouldn't be a spiritual discipline. I have even more to ponder.

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