Saturday, December 6, 2008

popularity trap

I've caved and returned to the world of blogging, but this time I have a purpose in mind other than publishing a continual pointless whine-fest (I fancy that I've matured over the last year since I had a blog). This time I want to have a little more depth to my blogging. To delve into spiritual matters, to reflect on myself and my relationship with Christ. This is a search for completeness, something I think can't exist without Christ. And I want this to be an honest reflection of my struggles through life and faith. I'm not setting out to preach. I'm trying to share a more honest view of Christianity. With movies like Jesus Camp and the like out there, I wondered what people really know about Christians other than generalizations that categorize us as whacked out, holier-than-thou hypocrites. And what do people really know about Christ? Many people will say they like the teachings of Christ, but only seem to like the ones about not judging others and they don't seem to know much else about what He taught (I guess I'm the one making the generalizations now). So I want to take off that perfect Christian mask that I hide behind and show people what behind all the religious stuff, I'm just an imperfect human loving a perfect God. And as I do this in the safety of the anonymity, I want to do this in real life as well.

May God bless this.

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