Tuesday, December 9, 2008

the auto bailout

What I don't understand is how after handing out billion of dollars to nearly bankrupt companies and then watching companies like AIG waste their bailout on frivilous expenses that our government is thinking about giving even more money out the auto makers. Watching Headline news yesterday, I heard the latest "condition" for automakers - that they have to boot out their current CEOs. Like all good news stations, Headline news was letting viewers call in and give their opinions. What worried me the most was that everyone seemed to think this was a good idea.

Did anyone stop and think that essentially what is happening is that the US government is stepping in on a private company and firing employees? Should the government have the authority to tell a company that they have to fire certain employees? My husband argued that since the government was the one giving the money, then they should be able to dictate that companies payroll. But if you own your own business and go to get a loan from a bank (which is what the government is saying this bailout is, an emergency loan), that bank does not have the authority or right to tell you who may or may not work for you. To me, its frightening that we're going to allow the government to do this. Still, the deal isn't done yet, so I guess we should all just wait and see what happens.

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