Saturday, September 29, 2012


This blog has sat dormant for a year and a half.  On a whim, I went and updated another one of my blogs.  I hadn't really planned on posting over here, but then I looked at the stats.  Over a thousand page views?  19 comments posted?

OK, that's really small.

But for little ol' me, that was kind of a big deal.  Like maybe this blog wasn't completely pointless.

So maybe I'll start posting again.  Do book reviews, rants, and rambles.  The thing is I struggle with discipline, and maintaining a blog is a discipline   At least when you want it to be a little more than one more black hole on the internet.  So, no, I don't have a vision for this blog.  No big ideas of what to cover or even what to do from this point.  And this blog might just sit dormant for another year and a half.

But maybe it's time for me to start actually trying to articulate what I think.  My husband is the "amateur apologist" in the family.  The idea of even entering into any kind of debate or trying to sensibly express my thoughts and beliefs leaves me feeling faint.  But I'm kind of tired of being a Christian Cowardly-Lion.  There is a lot to be said for living out your faith, but if you never express what that faith is, is it really doing anyone around you any good?

So here goes nothin'.

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