Tuesday, January 11, 2011

new name

I've probably broken some sacred code of bloggers, but I've changed the name of my blog from "Learning to Breathe" to "This Pilgrim's Progress." I used the new name as a title a few posts back, and it's been stuck in my head since. First, it's a really witty pun of John Bunyan's classic "The Pilgrim's Progress". Second, I feel like it better expresses what I want to accomplish with this blog: a chronicle of the "average" Christian's walk. A relationship with God is an ever-changing thing, just like any other relationship. There are good days and bad, days when you feel impossibly close and days when you realized you haven't talked for weeks. So I hope I can be honest with myself and be genuine in what I write here. I'm not the best writer, and I'm certainly not the "best" Christian, but I hope just by being honest with who I am, maybe people will be able to see beyond me and get a glimpse at the God I worship.

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