Thursday, September 2, 2010

Today I browsed over an article about how the renown Stephen Hawkings has recently changed his ideas about God; he now believes there is enough evidence for the universe being created by the Big Bang and that God simply isn't needed to explain the universe's creation. My first reaction was anger. As the media is inundated with a more anti-Christian perspective, I find myself growing angry to the point that some days I have trouble reading the news at all.

But is this a Christian reaction?

As I was driving home and mulling over my reaction, I couldn't help but question how Jesus reacted to disbelief. We're told to expect it from the world -we'll be hated for our faith in Christ (see Matt. 10:22, Mark 13:13, Luke 21:17). So why do we react with such self-righteous indignation when the world acts like Christ promised it would? We really should have seen it coming.

But as I was driving and thinking, I realized I didn't know much about how Jesus reacted to unbelief. Yes, I've read the gospels dozens of times, but I've never really paid much attention to how Jesus handled those who were hostile towards Him.

I want to study His reactions. Get a new Bible, and read through the Gospels, study them, searching out his responses to those around Him, highlighting passages, taking notes....going deep. Of course, we all know the saying about good intentions. Maybe I won't get around to my little in-depth study. But it's definitely food for thought.

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