Sunday, June 21, 2009

Year One

Maybe its not fair to "review" a movie I haven't even seen yet, or for that matter, one I'm not necessarily planning on viewing. But seeing an article on about latest movie starring Jack Black, Year One, I couldn't resist.

The article on CNN concerns whether Year One, where two Stone Age cavemen that are exiled from their tribe "wander into the Bible", will cause the usual uproar amongst us religious sorts. Through the movie, the two main characters meet "biblical characters such as Cain, Abel, Abraham and Isaac" and visit such exotic locales such as Sodom.

I'm less concerned about people being offended at poking fun at the Bible; instead, I'm offended at the lack of research. They meet Cain, Abel, Abraham and Issac? Um....last time I checked, Cain and Abel did not co-exist with Abraham and Isaac... The movie was compared to Monty Python's Life with Brian, but at least they didn't confuse entire eras by meshing together people who lived generations apart. But maybe that's a plot point...or something. Or maybe it's just a poorly written comedy.

But I shouldn't be so harsh since I haven't seen the movie yet. Besides, I tend to like Jack Black and Harold Ramis, who directs this film. However, Year One is not high up on my to-see Summer Blockbuster list.

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