Sunday, December 7, 2008

I had forgotten how addicting blogging could be. I'm spent most of last night and a good bit of this morning tweaking my blog's appearance and trying to add relevant and interesting information. I've been almost overwhelmed by boredom lately, and this has given me something new and exciting to tinker with. Now all I have to worry about is content. Do I really have anything special/unique/original to say? I hope so. More and more I feel God calling me from my every day existence into something else. To be honest, I've felt miserable having my degree in Christian studies and then working in an entirely different, un-ministry related field. I've berated myself over and over again about what a waste it is, to have studied so hard and to never use it. So maybe this is my chance to use what I learned in four years getting my Christain studies degree. Maybe its time for me to stop limiting what God can do in my life and through me.

1 comment:

BigDadGib said...

You have a wonderful looking blog.
Welcome to the CBO.

If ever I can be of help, you just let me know.