Saturday, August 15, 2009

simple ministry

Ministry. The word sounds so “official”, evoking images of all of the customary ministries the average church-goer encounters: the pastor's duties, the children's ministry, youth group, etc. Or we think of men or women with websites or blogs that reach hundreds or thousands of readers each day, teaching and encouraging others in Christ.

But ministry isn't just for someone with a seminary degree. How do we expect the body of Christ to work when we expect the minority to do the work of the majority?

All of us are called to minister according to our spiritual gifts (see 1 Cor. 12). It doesn't have to be on a grand scale or impact hundreds at a time.

Some ideas for simple ministry:

* baking something tasty for a friend or family member that's sick or feeling a little down

* sending a quick "thinking of you" card to older relatives that you don't see often (I read a suggestion somewhere of carrying cards with you in your purse so that if you're stuck waiting in an office, you can whip them out and write a quick note)

* providing breakfast (muffins, bagels, orange juice) to your co-workers on a Monday morning

Christ calls us to do what we can, where we are. Ministry is a day by day, moment by moment thing. So what can God do through you today?

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