Sunday, March 8, 2009


The cares of this world have really been dragging me down the past few weeks. Between the car accident, the trip, stresses at work, the never ending clutter at home, I almost feel like I can't breathe. On top of all of it, church feels like just another chore, another thing on my impossibly long to-do list to mark off. I managed to drag myself there last Sunday morning, but I left feeling so tired that my husband actually commented on how ragged I looked. Not that I didn't enjoy the sermon or the worship, it just left me feeling drained.

I feel out of balance. I've been missing my devotions, eating too much, exercising too little, and over all doing nothing productive. And I carry so much of my self-worth in my productivity. I feel like I have to be doing something all of the time or that I'm a waste.

I know this isn't biblical. But if I have a hard time believing my husband when he tells me how beautiful/wonderful I am, how can I possibly believe the infinite Creator of the universe? I carry this little seed of doubt in me. I can apply the verse "you were fearfully and wonderfully made" to other people, but not to myself. It's like in my mind I'm the one exception to that rule, so I have to make up for it somehow.

Ultimately, that's just plain egotistical of me, to think I'm somehow "other" that I fall outside of God's grace. I say I rely on His grace, but then I scramble to prove myself: to God, my husband, my parents, my co-workers, my friends. When all the time God tells me I have nothing to prove.

Now I just have to work on truly believing that.

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