Friday, February 12, 2010


I can't help it. I want to squeal with delight. Throw on a big, warm sweater and run around outside, giggling with glee (which would probably scare the kids playing outside). It's snowing. And for South Carolina, that's a big thing.

Snow always brings out my inner-child. Growing up here in the south, it's such a rarity. We usually get two or three "false alarms" a year, but it's only every few years that the flakes will fall, and better yet, stick.

Even now, I'm checking every half hour or so to see if the snow is still falling...and feeling that same thrill to see the white flecks dancing in the sky.

All this childlike enthusiasm brings Scripture to mind, where Christ says we must become like children to enter the kingdom of Heaven (see Mark 10:15 and Luke 18:17). Am I like a child with my faith? Enthusiastic? Excited? Teachable?

Lately, I've been reading a lot of hefty works by the likes of Brother Lawrence, Thomas a' Kempis, and RC Sproul. And while anyone who knows me well knows that I am ardently in favor of reading the Christian "classics", sometimes I wonder if I'm too bogged down with reading dead authors (as Mark Driscoll put it). I focus so hard on studying doctrines and theologies that I completely forget the simple joy of simply sitting in Jesus' presence.

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